The ‘Wildlife Photographer of the Year’ exhibition was presented from 1 June to 1 September 2013. Visitors enjoyed those extraordinary pictures very much. E-Message Board and E-Book were designed for this exhibition in order to arouse interest from visitors. You can take a look at some of the creative and meaningful drawings in
This app was developed for the Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) of CUHK. Different features and functions have been adopted in this app. Users not only can check out the latest alumni activities and campus news, but they can also have fun with the CUHK unique photo frame by using this app.
CUHK Alumni Homecoming Day was held on 2 December 2012. The event was full of joy and was well received by all attending alumni and guests. It had more than 5,600 attendants which is the highest number of attendants so far for all these years. An app was developed by our team for this event and both Android and iOS versions were provided.
Multiple games and apps are developed to let visitors know more about mathematics. In order not to make this content too dull, game elements were strongly considered when we designed the games.
Hong Kong Science Museum has organized “Brain and Cognition” Exhibition from 2 June 2012 until 10 October 2012. Our team initiated the idea of putting tablets into exhibits and interactive games had been developed for this exhibition.