Inside the main hall of the exhibition, there are many rarely giant dinosaurs’ bones and fossils. It is not easy show the information in the board. In order to providing better user experience, many interactive information kiosks are setup in the exhibition hall and allow visitors to check information if they want. Note that in 2013, interactive kiosk is not too common in museum because of the cost and development time.
Sengital (SenMedia’s mother company) offered an android-base hardware and app software for the interactive kiosk with the multiple touch sensor frame with six points sensing to enable a normal TV to become an interactive touch kiosk. That’s why this low cost solution can help to provide enough kiosks with a much better user experience in this crowded exhibition.
There were three different E-books which contained information about the matching dinosaur’s fossil. There is pictures on each page of the E-books in order to enhance the reader’s interest and deepen their understanding. Users, not only can select different items from the index in the main page, but can also touch different parts of the dinosaur to read the corresponding information. Users can simply touch one of the parts of dinosaur and the system will turn to the corresponding page directly because the dinosaur is divided into various parts by the irregular patterns. If users only want to know the information of certain parts of the dinosaur, they do not have to read the whole book to get that information.
- Multi-touch Display
- Software And Graphic Design
- Content Management System (CMS) To Update Content
Legends of the Giant Dinosaurs Exhibition
The Hong Kong Science Museum had organized a number of dinosaur exhibitions and all were well received. The “Legends of the Giant Dinosaurs” Exhibition will be the largest ever presented in Hong Kong. This exhibition is solely sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. In this exhibition, new technologies and presentation methods will be used to introduce the largest Titanosaurus and the latest studies on dinosaurs. Occupying an area of 2,500 sq. metres, the exhibition is divided into four areas with different themes. It is opened from 8 November, 2013 to 9 April, 2014.
(Source from Hong Kong Science Museum)